Panyals de roba
(x 3)
Medi ambient SI, medi ambient NO.....
Estalvi SI, estalvi NO....
Més feina SI, Més feina NO
Yol, fes una ullada aquest és el reportatge
Divulgo la prevención a la adicción al móvil, el bienestar digital y la salud mental a través de la cultura, la educación y el juego. Voy por la 4ª adolescencia, me queda una. Family Blogger desde 2011.
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lovely pics looks very nice
ResponderEliminari like this post
Beautiful tub and changing table! Enjoy a lovely day, Kellie xx
ResponderEliminarKNK, yes they are. I was surprised to find this clothes pics. They remind me unfashioned live without machines and also women hardwork. I'm thinking... Thanks for coming.
ResponderEliminarKELLI COLLINS, it's a placer to see you here. Thanks for your comment. I also love the colours of these cloth pics. I'm not sure if I would buy one of them in case I need it.. I still thinking about it.
See you soon!
Boníssim Monty! Apunta-ten 10 més!
Boníssim Monty! Apunta-ten 10 més!
Eiiiii, Give me five!