Panyals de roba

(x 3)
Medi ambient SI, medi ambient NO.....
Estalvi SI, estalvi NO....
Més feina SI, Més feina NO
Yol,  fes una ullada aquest és el  reportatge

6 comentarios:

  1. lovely pics looks very nice

    i like this post

  2. Beautiful tub and changing table! Enjoy a lovely day, Kellie xx

  3. KNK, yes they are. I was surprised to find this clothes pics. They remind me unfashioned live without machines and also women hardwork. I'm thinking... Thanks for coming.

    KELLI COLLINS, it's a placer to see you here. Thanks for your comment. I also love the colours of these cloth pics. I'm not sure if I would buy one of them in case I need it.. I still thinking about it.

    See you soon!

  4. Boníssim Monty! Apunta-ten 10 més!

  5. Boníssim Monty! Apunta-ten 10 més!


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